
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kaltxì ma smuk!

Yeah... It's good... 'ish... NOT!

I saw it 3 times and I plan on seeing it two times more just this week. I'm a total bad-ass fan. So much fan that I even started to learn the Na'vi language, as you could see in the title of this post. I don't often speak about stuff other than technology here so you might think that I'm a complete geek which is in front of the computer 90% of the time, sleep 40% of the day, eat in front of is computer to boost its computer-time/usage, listen to anime, read manga and play D&D twice a week! Well you are completely right!

BUT! I also happen to be a big fan of music, movie production and constructed language, such as Na'vi. That's why I wanted to talk about a wonderful site called learnnavi ( which have a growing community of Avatar fan but more importantly Na'vi speakers! I happen to be very active on this site, if you want to talk to me in Na'vi I'm on their forum, IRC and TeamSpeak channel whenever I'm in front/side/back/near a computer.

That's it! Want to learn Na'vi? That's the place.

A new Apple in 7 days
The next important thing is Apple's latest announcement. You might remember that I was going to get a new MacBook Pro when they'll release the core i7 ones. That might very well be the day! So stay tuned on that. I'm gonna post a little resume of the keynote and might very well post a review of my next little gadget.

See you soon! Kìyevame ulte Eywa ngahu!

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